We have now extended our trips to the Sunshine Coast, to the Sea-to-Sky country of Squamish and Whistler, to the Gulf Islands, Nanaimo and Victoria and across the border to Washington State, including:
A walk down Lawson Creek, following Brewis Trail and ending at Park Royal.
A day-walk from Fulford Harbour on Saltspring Island. Go from Bellingham over Sehome Hill to Fairhaven and back along the waterfront. Walk round Squires Lake and the Beaver Pond to Alger Alp. Loop around South Galiano from the ferry to Matthews Beach, the Bluffs and back. Hike to Mount Galiano from Sturdies Bay via the Bluffs.
Walk from Birch Bay through Semiahmoo to the border, going by bus and back on the historic MV Plover ferry. Walk around Victoria's coast from the Empress to Ross Bay Cemetery.
Stiff hike from Langdale Ferry up Soames Hill and down the other side.
Walk from Function Junction to Loggers Lake, going up one side of the Cheakamus River and back the other.
Hike over the peak of Mount Parke on Mayne Island.
Hike of 300m elevation gain from Paradise Valley Road to Butterfly Lake. '
We usually go on Mondays, perhaps taking bus to the start and a bus back from the end. Or we may.drop a car at one end and bus back to the start. We like to find new walks that the clubs do not usually offer.